This service pertains to the recognition and accreditation of student groups of organization. Certain, guidelines and requirements are imposed in the accreditation and in the renewal of membership as a recognized club or organization of the School. The coordinator of the Student Activities has set a standard system of supervising, monitoring and evaluating student groups and their activities to ascertain that any activity planned by the organization is properly and legally conducted.
- Guild of Student Scientists (GSS) – This club nurtures the students’ love of science and allowing them to experience the joy of invention.
- Hymno Agila (Campus Ministry) - provides the opportunity for students to enhance their faith and spirituality, and find greater meaning to their lives.
- Jesus Empowering Adolescents New Soul (JEANS) Club - It is open to students of all religious traditions and want to explore their relationship with God and community.
- EVERY NATION CAMPUS (ENC) – a nationwide campus organization that is passionate about preparing students for LIFE. It also gives teaching and coaching students in the areas of Leadership, Integrity, Faith and Excellence; and empowers them to live out their purpose, and pursue life-giving relationships with others and with Jesus.
- Red Cross Youth (RCY) - is a dedicated service program of the Philippine Red Cross for young individuals. Its mission is to harness the youth’s energy and idealism and provide opportunities to engage in humanitarian action and leadership roles.
- Healers of Mother Earth (HOME) Club – it is an environmental organization with main projects for the environment or ecology with in the campus.
- Art Club - Art club is for any student that wants to express themselves creatively, no matter their ability. We are open to all levels of ability and do everything from paintings to DIYs.
- ARH – Peer Helping Group - is a club in which students learn communication and problem solving skills in order to help themselves and others.
- Tribu Agilang Sikat – this club is to promote Philippine culture through dances and other cultural activities to support the school campaign in preserving our culture and traditions.
- Golden Z Club – this club believes young people are critical to achieving gender equality and ending violence against women and children around the world. Their mission to empower women through service and advocacy to students around the world and to stimulate new and meaningful student-led service and advocacy projects.
- Sports and Athletic Club (SPAT) - Sport Clubs is an organization that seeks to enhance the student's college experience though sports and contribute to the student's overall education and wellness.
- Honor Circle Club (HCC) – members of this club are academic achievers and they must be honor students (during their HS), deans lister or presidential lister. They do well in their academic and focus on the development of leadership skills and academics providing its members how to use their platform for successful college life.
Non-academic Clubs
are organizations not directly under a college department. Membership is open regardless of the college a student belongs to. These organizations provide venues for the enhancement of skills and attitudes that can contribute to the total well-being of the student.
Academic Clubs
are those organized by students of a college in relation to their field of specialization. These clubs are extensions of the college department in implementing activities
- Student Nurses Society (SNS) – organization of the students from the College of Nursing
- Radiologic Technology Students Society (RTSS) – organization of the students from the College of Radiologic Technology
- Association of Physical Therapist Students (APTS) - organization of the students from the College of Physical Therapy
- Philippine Society of Medical Technology Students (PHISMETS) - organization of the students from the College of Medical Technology
- Guild of Pharmacy Students (GPS) - organization of the students from the College of Pharmacy
Through responsible campus journalism, we envision a school and a community that is improved and developed through hastening change hence creating a better nation.
To create change and to build bridges to the students, school administration and faculty and the community as well through freedom of the press believing that student freedom is the bedrock of a genuine democracy hence observing responsible campus journalism through accuracy, fairness, objectivity and good taste
Process flowchart
leadership seminars
To develop the capacity of the students for future responsibility and leadership, numerous leadership seminars are conducted to become an effective and productive component of the school and the community.

student council
Council of Leaders – is the highest student body organization on MCNP.
We, the students of Medical Colleges of Northern Philippines, believing in the need for a better organized Council of Leaders (COL) and in the development of the youth as future leaders of the nation, do hereby promulgate and adopt this Constitution and By-Laws of the Council of Leaders (COL) that shall advance, implement, and maintain our goals and aspirations, embody the ideals and principles of freedom, equality, justice and democracy, and promote the welfare of all students and academic standards of our Alma Mater.
sports and development program
The Sports and Development is program that encourages MCNP students to have an option of lifestyle through sports. The Sports and Athletic Club in collaboration with the Office of the Student Services is concerned in the maintenance of the physical, mental, social well-being of the students as well as promotion of the values and importance of sports activities.
The Sports Clinics serve as an avenue for students to have a fun, exciting, and healthy experience while learning sports and developing essential values in life like determination, discipline, teamwork, perseverance, hard work, respect, and confidence. Through this, we will expect that participants will enjoy their schooling to its purpose by enhancing quality of life and contributing to a healthier future.

cultural programs
This activity is provided to give the students the opportunity and appreciation of culture and the arts. It encourages participation of students to join in any musical, cultural and theatrical endeavors for their exposure and recognition.
spiritual formation
The constitutional right of the students to exercise freely their religion is respected. This paved the way to the creation of campus ministry which sponsors monthly masses and the accreditation of dubs and organization by the Office of Student Services which aim to help students pursue a God-centered lifestyle.

community service
Reaching out to the poor and disadvantaged individual, families, and communities, has been a pledge of the school as a way of recognizing its love of the community and of the nation. In coordination with several government and non government units and agencies, the school serves the needs of the target beneficiaries and partner communities.
special programs
discovery weekend
This is a 2 1/2-day self-awareness program for freshmen conducted at MCNP-ISAP Friendship Camp in Cabbo, Peñablanca, Cagayan. This retreat is focused on the “Self Vision” with the theme: “Self Awareness Strengthening the of Future”. In essence, this is a growth session aimed at providing students with prayerful weekends and in-put. This provision of quiet, peaceful and reflective environment helps students examine themselves and give stronger support for them to face the future with more confidence and assurance of better success.

friendship camp
This special program intended for the second year students aims to awaken the spirit of cooperation, healthy communication, commitment responsibility and leadership. This is a continuing program of the Discovery Weekend in order to maintain the student’s sense of well-being though their interactions with others. The main idea is to leave to the classroom those subjects which can be best taught and take to the campsite the things which can be better understood in an actual setting.
camp of colors
The Camp of Colors is a 3-days & 2-nights program for 30 year students of MCNP designed to help them face life situations every day. It is geared on the following objectives: to realize that the world and man are two life Parable realities. Realize that the the inseparable realities, to understand man as a value, to live a life of human-relatedness, to practice love for fellowmen as the ultimate criterion to human relations, to understand death as inevitable reality in the life of man to establish proper attitude about the issue of death and to understand that God is the source of true happiness.

success plus seminar
A special send-off orientation cum leadership seminar of the candidates for graduation where they are being prepared to face the world on their own as an adult ready for the challenges that lie ahead. This activity aims at empowering students to pursue a career path that will put them on the right track and will help them make the first step towards ensuring individual successes.