MCNP – ISAP admin attend webinar on COVID-19 by Santuario De San Antonio Parish

The administrators of Medical Colleges of Northern Philippines and International School of Asia and the Pacific attended a webinar about COVID-19 organized by the Santuario De San Antonio Parish on April 10, 2021 via Zoom.

Some of the participants from the twin institutions are Madam Wilma R. Guzman, the Executive Vice President, Dean Reynaldo Adducul, the Executive Assitant to the President, Ma’am Winnie Cancejo, the Vice President for Academic Affairs, and Ma’am Elena Figueroa, the head of the Health Services office.

Dr. Anna Lisa T. Ong – Lim, Division Chief of Infectious and Tropical Disease in Pediatrics Department of PGH presented the topic “What to do when COVID Hits Home: Solutions for the Current Surge”.

The activity aims to educate us of the things that we should do in the context of COVID hitting the home and how we can resolve this situation.

Some of the important things that were shared are as follows:

  • Home care can be considered when inpatient care is unavailable or unsafe, based on clinical evaluation of patient; evaluation of home setting; and ability to monitor the clinical evolution of the patient.
  • If you are COVID positive and are qualified for home care, the caregiver must be healthy and should wear proper PPE.
  • If whole household is COVID positive, okay to isolate together but not to mix those who are for isolation and those in quarantine because you cannot properly monitor the number of days.
  • No sharing of spaces, utensils, linens, etc. Clothes must be placed in a separate laundry bag/basket and do not shake. If you share common areas such as kitchen and bathroom, you must disinfect immediately after use of patient.
  • It’s better to practice the minimum health protocols and being vigilant in observing for symptoms instead of regular testing of household staff. Especially for those who go out, we must observe wearing of proper face mask, face shield, washing of hands, social distancing, and to limit duration of close contact with others.

This endeavor was the 4th episode of the Mini Streams that were conducted by Santuario De San Antonio Parish.