The Bachelor of Science in Information Technology (BS IT) is a four-year degree program that equips students with the basic ability to conceptualize, design and implement software applications. It prepares students to be IT professionals who are able to perform installation, operation, development, maintenance, and administration of computer applications. The goal of the program is to produce information technologists who can assist individuals and organizations in solving problems using information technology techniques and processes.
Students who wish to pursue a degree in BS in Information Technology are encouraged to take the Information and Communication Technology strand. The strand equips students with basic topics on illustration, web design, animation, technical drafting, and computer programming.
The Information Technology program has adopted the following educational objectives: Few years after graduation, the Information Technology alumni shall:
Program Description: Join 500,000 students in the community! (n.d.). Retrieved October 22, 2020, from
Job Opportunities:
Doyle, A. (n.d.). A List of Different Information Technology Job Titles. Retrieved October 22, 2020, from
The College of Information Technology and Engineering envision to produce highly – skilled computer specialists, dedicated professionals in their field of specialization guided with the core values of International School of Asia and the Pacific.
Information Technology and Computer Engineering mission is to train individuals with the knowledge, skills and attitude in all aspects of human development in order for them to cope with the use of modern technology and communication in a highly globalize society.